Friday, January 10, 2014

Winter Recap: Bath

Hello all,
I realize it's been a while since my last post, and realizing the danger of blog abandoning I will make an extra effort to update regularly.  For now, I will have a brief recap of the things I have done in the winter.

Lots of experiments:

Christmas in London is everywhere!

 My lab had a special Christmas dinner at a bar and grill:

Now for a real trip, to the city of Bath, founded by the Romans in 60 AD as a hot spring resort!

Of course there is a Christmas Market:

It's a lively touristy town with very ancient looking buildings:

 Apparently home to a famous food:

 The highlight of the trip is visiting the Roman Baths, much of it still intact:

 The top level is "new", built much later than the original baths below:

 A model of the ingenious pool system from the original well:

 Ancient roman decorations now and what they would have looked like:

Original roman drainage systems:

Spa treatment facilities:

 As the finale, we are allowed to try some of the water from the hot spring!  It tastes like a boiled sulfurous egg:

 The rest of Bath:

Art gallery:

 The royal crescent:

Managed to get through the line for a "Sally Lunn Bun", which is kind of like a very fluffy brioche:

 A sneak peek of next time! (Just a few days from now)

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